Bus Information

Students will receive a bus assignment sheet during homeroom on their first day of attendance at the Crossroads Center.  This assignment sheet will provide students with the bus stop that has been officially assigned to them and a specific pick-up time that they will use starting on the second day of school.  Pick-up times will fluctuate in the first few weeks of school as bus routes are stabilized; therefore it is important that starting with the second day of school, students should be at their bus stops at least 10 minutes ahead of pick-up time and remain at the stop at least 10 minutes after the scheduled pick-up time.  In the first few weeks of school you may want to allow even more wait time until you feel comfortable that the bus route has stabilized.  Parents who wish to drive their children to school may drop them off on the sidewalk nearest the driveway entrances.  Students should then use the sidewalks to walk to the front entrance of the school.  Students should arrive to school between 6:45 a.m. and 6:55 a.m.  Homeroom begins promptly at 7:00 a.m. and all students should be in their classes by that time.  

Questions or concerns regarding bus stops should be first directed to the main office of the student’s school. Other questions or concerns regarding student transportation may be directed to the BCPS Office of Transportation, between the hours of 6:00 AM and 5:30 PM at 443-809-4321.

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